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A trek in the valley of roses

ancienne kasbah de la vallée des roses

Discovering the beautiful valley of roses

The valley of the Roses is a jewel nestled at the foot of the Moroccan High Atlas that lovers of walking will discover with wonder.

Classified as a World Geopark by UNESCO in 2014, it is nicknamed as it has become the capital of rose culture throughout the valley. The cultivated variety, the Damascus rose, was reported by pilgrims returning from Mecca in the 10th century. Initially roses were used to protect the plantations from animals and then its cultivation developed to become a place where one harvests an exceptional product that has become known worldwide. Today the fields of roses extend over 2 distinct areas between Kelaat M'Gouna to Boumalne Dadès.

Rose extract from these plants is used for the most prestigious perfumeries and also for cosmetic ranges such as rose water, creams or soaps.

The harvest of delicate flowers takes place from April to May at dawn to preserve all its fragrance and freshness.

The town of Kelaat M'Gouna which marks the entrance of the valley and also the commercial capital of rose products. Each year, the rose moussem is celebrated at the end of the harvest.

From Kelaat M Gouna to Bou Tharar

Kelaat M Gouna is therefore the starting point for many possible hikes in the valley of roses. The city is located on the main road between Tinghir and Ouarzazate, about 1h30 from the latter.

From the entrance of the green valley, two majestic ancient kasbahs stand in the hollow of cultures. You will then follow the bed of the river Asif M'Goun to reach small charming villages such as Hdida which are perfect to find accommodation after several kilometers of walking. The hikes can be accompanied by muleteers and their mules to carry the bags on the paths.

The rose fields then extend for about thirty kilometers in the hollow of the decorations of canyons next to the fruit crops such as olive, pomegranate, apple. It is obviously one of the most beautiful sites to visit in Morocco.

Gradually you will enter a decor of ocher cliffs where the whole palette of colors from yellow to red, a life-size table.

You can walk to Bou Tharar, where the earthen houses merge with the mountains around. In this charming village, you can stop to sleep in a cottage and refuel a little.

From Bou Tharar, several routes are possible: sink into the gorges of M'Goun or turn towards the gorges of Dades.

From the valley of roses to the gorges of M'Goun

randonnée trek dans les gorges du M'Goun

North of the valley of roses, in its extension, you will gradually enter the gorges of M'Goun from where the wadi of the same name continues to descend.

Along the water, you will find yourself at the bottom of impressive canyons where water to dig the rock.

The most sporty can go up to Ighil M'Goun and embark on the ascent of Mount M'Goun which culminates at more than 4000m of altitude. You can finish your trek by going up to Ait Bougmez, nicknamed the Happy Valley, located further north.

From the valley of roses to the valley of Dades

randonnée vallée du dades doigts de singe

From Bou Tharar, you can go to the famous gorges of Dades.

We find these colors of fire in a decor more mineral than the valley of roses.

Mainly known from the road, the Dades Gorges are magnificent to discover on foot, along the wadi. Towards Tammelalt where the famous rocks in the shape of monkey fingers are located, you can hike in the narrow canyons when they are dry.

You can choose to go up the gorges of Dadès or down to Boumalne Dadés to mark the end of your route.

In parallel, the Todgha Gorge is also located from Tinghrir.

When to go to the valley of roses?

The best time to go hiking trek in the valley of roses is without hesitation in spring, especially in April and May when roses bloom and crops take place. But you can enjoy it until late September. In summer, you will enjoy a little freshness thanks to the altitude.

Organize your trek in the valley of roses

To explore the most beautiful places in all serenity, we organize for you your trek in these valleys and mountains of the High Atlas. We will build with you the itinerary that suits you and you will benefit from all our advice before your departure as well as personalized support throughout the stay.

Contact us by clicking here

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